JAMB Exam Date 2025/2026 Slip Reprinting
Are you bothered about the steps to check JAMB exam date, time and centre for 2025/2026 UTME? You’re not in this alone as there are many other candidates confused about the same thing.
Checking and knowing your JAMB exam date, time and centre is a pivotal because failure to report for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) as scheduled leads to disqualification.
Your doubt and confusion will be cleared in this article through the most appropriate step by step guidelines on how to see your check JAMB exam date 2025/2026.
Key Takeaways
- JAMB exam date is Friday 18th to Monday 28th April 2025.
- Dates for candidates varies depending on the time of registration and location.
- Ensure you know your exam date, time and venue atleast 3 days earlier.
Importance of Checking JAMB Exam Date 2025
Here are some of the reasons why it is mandatory to check your examination date, time and venue.
- It will clear confusion about your participation in the examination process.
- It validates your registration status.
- Means you’re eligible to write the 2025 UTME
- Checking your exam date early will help you prepare better. In some cases you may choose to visit the exam venue a day prior.
- It give you precision on what JAMB expects of you.
- You will as well know the exact time to arrive the venue and how best to plan your journey especially if the venue is outside your locality.
How to Reprint JAMB Slip to See Exam Date
Follow these guidelines to see specifically your JAMB exam date, time and CBT centre.
Stage 1: Go to JAMB E-facility portal
On your device (phone, PC, iPad) log unto JAMB efacility portal @ www.efacility.jamb.gov.ng using any browser of your choice.
Stage 2: Login to Your Profile
Input your JAMB registered email address and password to login your profile. This should be same as the ones used to create your JAMB profile.
In case you’ve forgotten password, proceed to reset it and then try to login again.
Stage 3: Check for Notification Slip
After login, carefully check your JAMB profile dashboard to locate “print examination slip” or “check exam slip”, proceed to click on it.
Stage 4: Print Your JAMB Exam Slip
Select print examination slip to enter your JAMB registration number, immediately you will be redirected to the page where you can see your exam date, time and centre.
There you can either print out the slip or download as PDF.
Another method for checking JAMB 2025/2026 exam date is via email. Once the time is due, the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board automatically sends notifications to all candidates indicating key detail about their forthcoming examination.
Reprinting JAMB Slip 2025/2026
Whenever you hear about JAMB exam date, time and venue the first thing that comes to mind is JAMB exam slip. Below are the key things that must be found on this slip.
- Correct candidate’s name (surname, first name and middle name)
- Candidate’s registration number
- Assigned examination date and time
- Examination centre/venue
- Your seat number in the exam hall
- Instructions on what you’re to carry to the exam venue.
Things like smart watch, phones, sophisticated calculator etc. are not allowed. This is to help avoid malpractice implications.
You may say “what do I do with my phone if am travelling out of my state for the exam?”
In situations like where it’s mandatory you carry your phone to ease tracking the exam venue, we advise you switch it off upon arriving and hand over to the security or exam personnel (invigilator).
Possible Issues When Checking JAMB Exam Date
Facing challenges while trying to check or see your exam date and centre is not totally a new thing. Below are the possible errors or issues you may face.
1. Page Not Accessible
This usually happens when you try to login JAMB profile with poor internet connection or may be many candidates are trying to access the portal at once.
The solution is to first check your network, then change browser or still checking later.
2. Exam Slip Not Available
This error barely happens but if you experience it, relax its a glitch from JAMB database. So, just try checking again.
3. Forgotten Email/Registration Number
If you have forgotten either your registration number of the email address used to create profile, simple login to your email and check the message JAMB sent to you after profile creation.
In conclusion, it is greatly beneficiary for candidates to ascertain their JAMB exam date, time and venue because failure to do so early may lead to confusion and lack of precision.
You may end of arriving the exam venue late, I guess you know what that means. So, carefully follow the steps provided in this article to know your JAMB 2025/2026 exam date, time and centre.